In the beginning...

Benjamin Iocco is a professional artist with extensive experience in painting, illustrating, sculpting, and more. Born and raised in the lovely farmland of western Michigan, Ben was encouraged by his family and friends from an early age to pursue his God-given ability.

A self-taught artist, Ben received his first commission as an illustrator at twelve years old. He then began familiarizing himself with acrylics and other mediums. Soon, he was receiving commissioned orders from customers in the US and even Europe.

Ben moved with his parents and three brothers to Vermont in 2001, where he studied eighteenth and nineteenth centuries American Folk Artists and explored various styles and compositions. While in Vermont, Ben joined an artist guild and began to participate in art shows and exhibitions, experiences that fostered his growth as an artist.
In 2010, Ben moved to Kentucky to work as an exhibit artist for the Creation Museum. He has since continued to work as a professional artist and has designed exhibits for the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter; created illustrations for magazines and other publications; worked on multiple film projects and theater productions; and won several awards for his work.
Ben is passionate about telling stories that glorify God and touching people’s hearts through thoughtful and beautiful art.
Benjamin Iocco